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Data publikacji w serwisie: 28 maja 2024 r.

The Digital University – Open Ukrainian Initiative (DigiUni)

„Enhancing Digital Competencies” (27-31 May) is a week-long workshop in the framework of the DigiUni project focused on enhancing digital competencies in education for our Ukrainian Partners. Representatives from as many as 10 partner universities from Ukraine and officials from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the Ukrainian Association of IT Professionals are participating in the workshop. The Digital University – Open Ukrainian Initiative (DigiUni), of which AMU is a proud partner, is a project aiming to express European solidarity in a bottom-up, inter-institutional and results-oriented manner in conjunction with various levels of political decision-making and to contribute to the gradual synchronisation of Ukrainian and European universities in line with the values, standards and priorities of the European Higher Education Area and view of Ukraine’s future accession to the European Union.